Terry J

Terry J

Born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I graduated from Louisiana State University (LSU) and yes, I bleed Purple and Gold. Love food! I try to...Full Bio


James Cameron Hopes 'Avengers Fatigue' Sets In For Audiences

As it appears that this chapter of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is coming to an end with “Avengers: Infinity War,” sci-fi aficionado James Cameron says that’s probably for the best.

The man behind legendary sci-fi franchises such as “Terminator” and “Avatar” told reporters on Saturday that he’s a fan of the “Avengers” movies, but he fears that they have dominated too much of the genre as of late.

“I’m hoping we’ll start getting ‘Avenger’ fatigue here pretty soon,” Cameron said. “Not that I don’t love the movies. It’s just, come on guys, there are other stories to tell besides hyper-gonadal males without families doing death-defying things for two hours and wrecking cities in the process. It’s like, oy!” According to [indiwire.com]

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